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If you are interested in taking a tour or applying for admission to one of Restart’s sites, please use
our contact form to connect with us. 

Blue Shape

Residential + Program Services

Restart Inc. is one of the few organizations in the greater Twin Cities area to provide services dedicated to traumatic brain injury within a residential setting.

We provide options on a continuum to each individual’s level of care and goals, ranging from licensed Assisted Living settings to Community Residential Settings.

We support individuals to reach their maximum level of independence and competence by encouraging them to participate in purposeful activities - such as the operation and maintenance of the house, working outside the home, attending school, participating in training and vocational programs, volunteering within the community and accessing resources such as the Workforce Center, Chemical Dependency, Counseling, Vocational Rehabilitation and spiritual endeavors.

We partner with many different resources to offer the best proactive, individualized approaches for our clients. These include hospitals, health care experts, community organizations, county and state government assistance offices, and various case managers.

We also offer a Life Enrichment Program that provides the people we serve access to events and activities in the community they wouldn’t otherwise be able to attend or participate in. This includes attending sporting events, plays, museums, gardening, discovering new hobbies and more.

Take a tour or apply for admission

Rebuilding Lives After Brain Injury

If you are interested in taking a tour or applying for admission to one of Restart’s sites, please use 
our contact form to connect with us. 


We request that you have the following information available:

• Current medical history
• Neuro/psychological evaluation   
• Work history
• Current daily routine